Potassium Monopersulfate Compound

CAS NO.:70693-62-8

Molecular Formula:2KHSO5.KHSO4.K2SO4
Grade Of Dangerous Goods:
Packing Category:
Molecular Weight:614.7
UN Coding:


Test Items 测试项目
Specification 规格
Appearance 外观
White Powder or granule白色粉状物或颗粒
Active Oxygen 活性氧, %
Bulk Density 堆积密度, g/L
Loss on drying 干燥失重, g/L
pH Test (10g/l ,25°C ),%
Particle Size Distribution,粒径分布%(0.850-0.075mm),%
Package:25kg bag


Uses: Potassium peroxymonosulfate composite salt (potassium monopersulfate, potassium monopersulfate) is a stable, convenient, and excellent acidic oxidant with a wide range of uses. Its application fields involve oral cleaning, swimming pools and hot spring water. Disinfection, circuit board etching agent, pulp bleaching, wool fabric shrink-proof treatment, precious metal extraction, etc.; potassium persulfate compound salt is an important additive in organic synthesis, which can make the double bond in the organic molecule epoxy It is a free radical initiator for many polymerization reactions. In addition, potassium peroxymonosulfate composite salt can be used as an oxidizing agent for sulfur-containing substances such as hydrogen sulfide in wastewater treatment, a low-temperature oxygen bleaching agent in detergents, and an oxygen supply agent in aquaculture.

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